Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Just stuff

Remember those random bullet point posts from the past? Here's another one, as a sort of general update.

Would I like to have won that $36million lotto draw last week? Of course. Would I swap how my life is now for that money? No way.
What's Jake doing? Trying to get into the Fire Service. He was unsuccessful in the last round (they only had four vacancies) but at least he passed all the fitness and other testing, so he's happy to wait for the next round in August. He has an absolutely lovely girlfriend and they are currently looking for a flat together, with a whole bunch of others. And yes, having him back in Wellington is wonderful.

Have we got more adventures planned? You bet. Taking a couple of my nieces ski-ing in a few weeks. Doing the Tough Guy (just the 6km version) in August. And a luxurious and hopefully very restful holiday in Tahiti in September.

How's my exercise going? Bloody great. I reckon I'm the fittest I've ever been - I still won't run though. Hate it. Most weeks I'm at the gym at least four times, and Craig goes almost as much. We try to get our exercise in the great outdoors in the weekends, but the Wellington winter hasn't been co-operating much of late.

But what about my weight. Well, not flash, but not awful. I'm at 87kg, which feels a long way from my lowest ever of 76kg. But I'm working on it - and seriously this time. But I will no longer let it take over my life - and I no longer need it to, I've got other things to concentrate on.

House renovations? Well, it's been a long time in the planning, but we're ready to take the plans to the council. I'm starting to think small houses are even harder. We're changing our 72 square meter cottage considerably, but it will still only be 80 sq.m. so the juggling of space has been fairly intense. Just so long as I can fit the Thermomix in my new kitchen.

And a couple more photos to wrap it up...


Anne said...

Great to read the update, I've missed your regular posts. You sound one very happy woman:-)

Good on you not letting your weight loss take over your life. I think we all start of with a hiss and a roar and then reality kicks in that there is no quick fix. I admire you on the exercise front and the fact you are taking on more challenges!

Zanna said...

So lovely to hear from you again - and so nice to hear someone so happy with their life. Yes - weight - it's all about finding the balance - the actual number doesn't matter as long as you feel happy about it I think. Nice to hear that Jake is home and close by - my younger son is currently in Singapore with his Brazilian girlfriend who I think is going to be a pretty permanent feature in his life - and although I haven't actually met here I think she is just fabulous - and it sounds like they plan to settle in Oz - but maybe in the West - but hey it's somewhere else to go on holidays!!

Zanna said...

Me again - what's a Thermomix!