Wednesday, April 7, 2010


That's the best way to describe our life at the moment. But it's all in a good way and I will post again as soon as I can say some things a bit more publicly.


Zanna said...

Glad you added that it's in a good way - I don't have to be worried about you now!! Look forward to hearing all about it when things settle down Z xx

Anne said...

Hope life settles for you. I'm also glad you added it was in a good way!

Margaret said...

I understand completely being in a frenzy of activities myself.

Glad you are living a happy life!!

Julie's Journey said...

Me too - when I read turmoil I immediately when into worry mode. Looking forward to hearing your news.

Lee-Anne said...

If you've got to be in turmoil then I'm glad it's a good one.

Can't wait to hear about it. I'm intrigued.

Lucinda said...

Hope you are okay Sue xx