Sunday, July 25, 2010

The end is nigh!

Sitting here early on Sunday morning, it seems hard to believe there are just five days of work left.

I expected to be approaching this time with mixed feelings, but, with the exception of rare and brief moments of blind panic, I can only see this as such an incredibly positive move.

It might be different if we didn't have such exciting plans in store for the next few months. But even without those plans I can see that leaving my job is a great move for me. I've done the high pressure thing for long enough - my heart's just not in it any longer. I've loved my work for years, but it's time for a change.

And what a lot of change my life has seen in the last five years. I've seen my wonderful boy grow through the last years of his teens and start off on his own path. I've changed my physical health so much. I've recognised my relationship of 15 years just wasn't right. I've met and fallen in love with the most wonderful man. And now we're going to embark on the most wonderful adventure.

And more change is coming - the end of this blog is pretty much nigh itself! But not the end of blogging for me. Stay tuned - new blog adventures will be announced soon!


Mary said...

I hope you will be blogging about your new adventures! You're an amazing woman Sue. You have worked extremely hard and deserve all the happiness in the world.

Kate said...

I am so excited for you, it's going to be wonderful!!

Julie's Journey said...

I am so glad you will still be blogging - 5 more days (probably less now) till your new adventure begins - enjoy.

Chris H said...

YOu are going to have so much fun!!!

Anne said...

4 days now! Can't wait to hear about your new adventures:-)